cobe's maintenance drug use guides

It is often beneficial in day-to-day life to "get a monster buzz on". It is not often beneficial, however, to "get cranked-out", "get shit-tanked", or "puke". When one feels as if the active ingredient(s) in their substance(s) of choice has(have) commited an armed burglary of their brain, they often decide to "cut back", "quit... maybe", or "knock this shit off". The results are usually not positive.

Instead, follow Cobe's the "Cobe's maintenance drug use guides". I can only speak to the drugs which I have personal experience with.


-In the morning, don't drink more than 3 cups in a row. You will feel nauseaus at worst, or it will be a waste at best.

-Afterwards, don't drink more than 2 in a row.

-Don't waste money on hi-qual shit except for the afternoon. You can't taste anything but phlegm and plaque in the morning anyhow.

-Pink Bubblegum kills coffee breath.

Dipping Tobacco:

-Don't tongue and pull your lip tight around your wad. It will only cause unneccesary spit.

-Don't "spit one last time" and try to get it all out before going into a place where you can't. It will only encourage more spit response.

-Dip pouches when trying to hide it. Loose stays in your teeth.

-Do 2 in a row, no more. More can cause diziness(at work)

- The best times to dip are when you are tired or when you are angry.

Drinking Alcohol:

-have 2-4 standard drinks, depending on your "need", and sit pretty.

-when you are sure the feeling starts to go away, have 2 more

-when that feeling starts to go away(it takes a while), have 1 more. At this point, you will feel like "2 more will be even better! why wouldn't it?" Well, 2 more will send you to 2 more and then blackout, or sleep.

-If you "need" to drive "buzzed"(on a rescue mission, or to claim a winning lottery ticket), freshen breath, swallow bubblegum spit. Having a hammered person in the car is a risk factor.

-at least eat something.

-Don't try to be slick and drink alot of water when you feel sick. just wait it out.


-don't brag, asshole. Don't even share your state of mind. Just enjoy.

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