scifi part 1

He didn’t know where he was or why. He had purple bruises on each of his hips. Because it was twilight, they must be really dark. They felt very sore. As he stood and began to walk he was surprised by how his body felt; inverted. His weak leg felt like his strong leg and the other way around. He remembered one method of determining dominance; to act as if you are about to fight. If you put your left side in front you are likely right handed, and the other way around. When he did this, he was a bit comforted to find that he put his left foot forward, which felt correct to him. However, he was a bit uneasy to find that if he were to go to write, he would use his left hand. He remembered being right handed.

But he didn’t really remember. He didn’t even know where he was or what he was doing. Even more surprisingly, he took note of the landscape on which he was walking for the first time since coming to awareness. It was a desert. Or something like it. The grains of sand seemed unusually large, and the dunes were more like round hills; as a turtles shell rather than an ocean wave. It must be early in the morning. The sky was a dark blue color, and he could see pretty clearly around him. He heard no birds or other animals stirring. He decided to stop walking until he was sure where he was going. After all, he didn’t know how much energy he might need to conserve. He turned around, and behind him looked exactly the same as the direction he was walking.

Trying to find a direction he ought to walk, he looked to the sky.. First he saw the moon. Worried that this it was too bright to see stars, he looked over the sky. He felt a cold shooting palpitation in his chest. There was a smaller, brighter moon. This was not earth.

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