politicked off 03

The U.S. demolished Iraq. The astronomical body count of Iraqi citizens is often brought up; what is not commonly discussed is how many Iraqi citizens fled. What kind of people had the resources to flee when the invasion was initiated? Well, the skilled, the business owners, the professionals, all of the benefactors. So what is left? Well, those who can’t afford to leave; and those who stay to fight.

You will hear a lot these days about how “the surge is working”; and therefore the Iraq “war” is almost won. This refers to how we have sent a surge of american soldiers to Iraq, and now the violence is lessened. This only make sense; we caused everyone to leave, and now we flood the streets with americans with guns.

Is that what we call victory? Is this the new Iraq we all support? A place with almost no skilled laborers, intellectuals and no possibility of philanthropy, violence being quelled only by putting an armored and armed man on every street corner?

My fear is that the populace at large will only focus on the american side of the invasion: ‘Americans home? No major terrorist cells? Victory!’, when Iraq has been left completely in the shitter. Before we could claim victory we must rebuild Iraq. Vouchers, other economic incentives, and reparations. The only presidential candidate who thinks we’re winning, McCain, would sooner get alzheimer’s than raise taxes on us to pay for that. Iraq is fucked.

1 comment:

Feng said...

20 years seems to be the time-frame in which war-ravaged countries seem to rejuvenate. Japan took about twenty years, as did Vietnam. Time will tell.