
Dennis Kucinich has introduced articles of impeachment for both Dick Cheney and George Bush. Each time, particularly this time for Bush, his efforts are being marginalized. The arguments against going forward with impeachment of these 2 clowns are among the most inane, senseless arguments I have ever heard.

#1- They’re leaving “soon” anyway

No they’re not. They are there for 6 more months. That’s 24 weeks; approximately 180 days longer that they have to trample the country. Consider clusterfucks we have gotten into within 180 days. The Iraq war? Speaking of which, why should the war be continued until they leave office?
How many people have to die or be tortured because we’re collectively too lazy to go forward with impeachment? The Iraq war is not on hold. It’s not in limbo. It’s happening every day. Impeaching Bush and Cheney 6 hours before their term’s up could save a life. I think that’s worthwhile.

#2- It can’t get support

You are support! Raise awareness; hound your local representatives to do everything they can. Democrats seem to be resigned to “we can’t get enough votes”. Even in my relationally short life, I’ve never seen such ineptitude.
There is about a thousand maneuvers that government officials can do to get votes, or side step the need. They seem to think that government is internally democratic. It’s not. Internally, government is war. In order to put a war criminal in jail or end an unjust war, representatives and lawmakers are morally obligated to use every tool at their disposal and break rules

#3- Dennis Kucinich is weird

If that shiny sparkly Irish-Catholic JFK was introducing articles of impeachment; if that chocolate skinned twink Barrack Obama were doing it; you’d eat it up like potato chips. You’d call them brave, you’d do everything you could to move it forward, and if it passed they would be considered historic heroes. Instead, because Kucinich is short, believes that killing is wrong and has a peculiarly attractive wife, you get caught up in the image and miss the content. If it’s a good move, support it. No matter who is introducing it. Particularly if the person is competent in the area. Kucinich is shown time and time again to be competent.
In summation, this could be the saddest, lamest period in american history. Or it could be one of the most victorious. Either we rest on our laurels and stay completely complacent to horror, or we put an end to it, and reestablish a balance in power.