This is the 214th post on this blog, and I am now taking an extended leave(anywhere from several days to months)

I'm not one for traditionalism, but I am one for skepticism. The new trends in social networking software, including blogs, is that people are deserving of attention without doing anything out of the ordinary.

For example. I write a blog post, follow up with updating my facebook status to "is feeling manic", and change the picture I choose to represent myself. For those who are interested in me: friends, I have slightly altered how the feel about me for the moment.

I certainly desire praise and admiration, but facebook/twitter/blogs seem like an altogether too easy way to get it. I'm not taking time off from it because I'm way too cool to receive attention, much the opposite. I'm taking time off because when I receive attention, I want it to be for something substantial.

That said, I'll be back when I have new music/new shows/new writing that's good. If you want to know about anything else, call me.

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