revising the mirror's reflection

I look in the mirror, and I see myself. I had little control over what myself would look like. I could do various things with my hair, maybe use make-up, but the shape and expressions were determined genetically. Similarly, how I feel about it was a foregone conclusion. Whether the man in the mirror is a friend or an enemy to me is at first out of my hands.

They say you can be beautiful on the inside. They don't mean that exactly, what they mean is you can alter your perceived image with what you say and do. However, what I say is still housed within my voice, which can be altered about as much as my face can be. What I do is still limited to the given functions of my body and brain. Each thing can gain more functions and stamina, but it's still in a cage of possibilities, not an ocean.

So, whether I am pretty or ugly to you when you watch me and see me speak, I can, through great effort, convey beauty. My beauty is not in what I am. People who are completely self-satisfied when they look in the mirror must have some crossed-wires. If I were one of them, I would only need to look in the mirror periodically to make sure I'm the same beautiful person, and return to bed. Rather, my beauty is in what I do. You are looking at me right now. When you are in my home, you are surrounded by me. I am not only myself, but everything I have moved, made and conquered. The mirror tells me I'm nothing special, all of my other reflections beg to differ.

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