overly-simplistic definitions: depression

I've never jumped on the slowly moving, boring and unsafe bandwagon of depression. Though it's in style these days, I could never with a clear conscience say that my basic personality; my state of being, was depressed.

Well, those days haven't passed and never will. How did I "fight depression"? Though the psychologists and idiots will tell you that it's all biological difference, and our actions owe very little to it, they're wrong.

I've always worked for something. Not often for anything society would hold up as a worthwhile cause, but something. In every case of depression, a person either has no goals, or they've already completed their goals. In either case, the person is simply idle by their own standards, and doesn't want to be.

You're not in a position you like = you're not a person you'd admire = you don't like yourself = you're depressed. You might think it foolish and overly-simplistic to suggest that depressives just decide to do something, and do it, to cure their condition. You're probably right, but that's the only advice I have to give. I have never had a romance with lifestyle-depression because I'm happy when I'm working on something, and I'm always working on something.

If you don't like my advice, ask a depressive for some advice. He'll likely tell you "I'm not happy right now"... very useful.

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