
One thing that continues to make me angry, without fail, each time I’m confronted with it, is the bumper sticker or T-Shirt “Stop bitching, start a revolution”. Firstly, because it’s clear that the person sporting this slogan has not taken it’s advice. The slogan is, by it’s very nature, “bitching”. Moreover, if they have the interest, and energy, to purchase cute “political” statements immortalized in consumer goods, it’s a pretty safe bet that they haven’t begun any revolution.

I also take a more general issue with it, as it implicates you, the reader, to do what it says. From what authority am I receiving this order? The author of the quote? The bumper? The idiot who paid for it to be displayed proudly on themself? What if my “revolution” is the eradication of bumper stickers? In that case, the following of their advice would be counter-revolutionary to their revolution; which is apparently to put forth vague statements of political discomfort in a world full of voting, TV-watching and prescription personality disorder medication taking.

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