11 Cobeisms


Bliss is achieved through the harmony of 3 seemingly contradictory elements. Elements could be your location, your activity, you intake of food and/or drugs, or your company.

De-powered struggle:

When a power struggle is recognized, the best action is to point out the existence of the power struggle and stop participating.

Phobia of homophobephobia:

When person A uses homosexuality as an insult, it is not necessarily because they are homosexual. Person B, who points out that person A is probably homosexual because of their statements, is a homophobe, because they are using homosexuality as an insult.

The racist race:

When person A uses race as an insult, it is not necessarily because they are a particular race. Person B, who points out that person A is probably a particular race because of their statements, is a racist, because they are using race as an insult.


Activities towards the goal of becoming “chill”, or “chilling”, do not actually cause a state devoid of human suffering. Instead, there is no effect on it’s existence.

Promised land fallacy:

There is no perfect place on earth. There are only slightly better places than where you are.

Rationalization to default state:

You pick religions, tastes and friends to affirm who you already are as “good”, rather than “good” as who you aren’t yet.

Constructive criticism A:

People who need constructive criticism the most are the least likely to accept it.

Constructive criticism B:

Good constructive criticism begins with a deconstruction, or demolition if need be.

Suicide sucks:

Ending emotional suffering through nothingness is like publishing a book by lighting it on fire.

Fill up the tank:

Fill your life with as much variety, consumption and curiosity as possible, and you will reach a state of feeling “ok”.

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