ways to avoid working on a project:

-'I haven't had much sleep, I'll get a good nights sleep tonight and be fresh tomorrow'

-'I should read more about it before I start'(immediately afterward, don't read about it)

-'time to eat', then 'time for coffee', then 'time for a night-cap'(buys you an entire evening)

-'hmmm... a friend called me a few weeks ago, I bet he's sitting patiently waiting for my call'.

-'time to check my email', then 'time to check facebook', then 'time to check the news', then 'time to look up futurama episode guide on wikipedia'.

-'this netflix dvd needs to go back soon, so I'll go ahead and fulfill my duty to watch it'

-'I could work, but I have to finish reading this book, and reading is always mental enrichment.'

-'Well, I still have that blog post to write, and I don't want to let down Graham Andrews, Zach Wilson, Jon Feng and Alex Greenland'


Feng said...

Cobe, I start to get concerned when you don't post. I've had it in my head when you go too long to call the Winston-Salem police to file a missing persons report.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! I'm included!!