No Appetite

I usually have an enormous appetite for food. Today, in an effort to save money on a long car trip, I only ate chocolate donut holes when I felt hunger pangs.

It worked, and when I got home planning to eat anything I could find I was surprised to find that I had very high energy and no appetite.

Since then I've drank water, and used more snus(smokeless tobacco) than I usually do, feeling more light-headed than usual. If I stop paying attention, which is happening alot, I'll start rocking in my chair.

My desire to "put out the work" is at least doubled, but my confidence is shaken, knowing that I couldn't adequately win in a fist fight or a freestyle battle right now.

My only conclusion is that This is not for me. Tomorrow I will wake up and consume the entire world.

1 comment:

Feng said...

Dehydration and tobacco use will decrease your appetite.