get your head out of obama's ass

I am truly elated that John McCain wasn't elected president. I'm elated that there is not, and never will be, a president John McCain to draft me to "fight" a "war" in Iraq or Iran(also called the "armpit"... not of anything... just the armpit). For this piece of mind, I have Barack Obama to thank- the only person in the democratic party with enough charisma to beat a mean-spirited old man with an unattractive sounding political platform.

That, however, is all I have to thank him for. I won't thank him for all the things I assume he'll do, but in actuality can't, and doesn't intend to anyhow. Why? Because I'm not racist, despite what I'm about to say.

Voters elected a president for the U.S.A., not a baby daddy. Barack Obama, despite being black. Isn't that cool. He has no intention to legalize cannabis, release drug offenders from prison, provide a citizens wage to alleviate poverty, or even provide universal healthcare. He's not the mythical electable leftist, he's a centrist, and if he were white, he wouldn've been forgotten at the primary debates like more qualified candidates Bill Rochardson, Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel.

If you have Obama fever, be prepared for a cold sweat. He's not king; he can't do anything unilaterally. Even if he did take strong progressive positions with the democratic-majority congress, they wouldn't follow suit, because they're all megalomaniacs and corporate whores. The system is just as inaffectual as it's always been- the only difference is that now the people are daring to be even more complacent with a vapid symbol for their figurehead.

Don't believe the hype.

1 comment:

Feng said...

Bill Richardson could have some promise. Stay tuned.