being quiet

typically, I've been very quiet when I'm working at jobs. The reasons are many. Initially, I'm simply feeling out the personalities of those around me- which has saved my ass. If I find out someone hates anarchists/drinkers/rappers- then I know to never let them know what I do 10 minutes after I'm off the clock.

After that, It's just interesting. People respond to a silent person in almost infinite ways. The most common seems to be that people think you're smart, because you're always in your own thoughts. But not everyone. Some think you're really stupid, because you're not crafty at conversation. Some think you're really nice, because you're not stepping on anyones toes, and some think you're really mean, because you won't engage them on important issues like "what's up?" or "How's it going?"

Peoples reactions aside, you learn alot in a corner not speaking. When you are essentially not involved in any important conversation, people will show their true colors. Not only that, but not being exhausted from a current or previous social interaction leaves your ears wide open even when your eyes are averted and you're minding your own business. Evesdropping is hard to avoid. The quiet guy(if his brain is fuly functional) knows alot more about you than you think.

Post Script: This only holds true if you start out with a new group of people being the quiet guy. If you turn quiet and refuse to explain, they'll think you're on smack.

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