the female part A

She was a female protagonist. What a fate! Being written by a man only lent insult to injury. Well, at least it was an injury to be female in the eyes of the clearly male writer. Not that he was a bigot; rather, he had sympathies for the circumstance of being female. At this point she realized she was going to suffer through a man pontificating on the female condition.

The writer had no real experiences besides himself observing women. Observing women in different sexual positions, and hearing the dialogue they present to their male counterparts, is not exactly sufficient, she thought. In actuality he thought that, but wrote it through her. She objected to his use of sexual themes so quickly. He was clearly trying to glorify himself by overstating his sexual life.

She figured that showed some deep-set insecurities. She didn’t have any. That’s the way she was written. Was that because he was attempting to write a version of his own idealized woman, she thought? Why would that be a factor? Clearly every human being has insecurities. He was probably projecting such a person because he imagines that such a woman could help him with his insecurities, which is pretty goddamn feminine when you think about it.

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