talking bout my generation

I am from generation Y. Nicknamed "generation buy", the "ritalin generation", "trophy kids", "generation why" and "the millennials". If you'll notice, most of these nicknames have negative implications.

Generation "buy" implies that consumerism is the primary method of expression among the members. The label was applied by people of generations who have names that aren't only made to be put-downs, to put down younger people. Older generations typically share values of vaguely defined frugality, even if they don't practice it. It's some sort of ghost reaching from the great depression reminding them to eat their crusts and tuck their shirt in if they want that job at the mill. The thing is, not only is the "buy" label accurate, but it's a good thing. Generation Y members as a whole have demonstrated conscious consumerism. Picking brands that espouse the values they agree with, and not buying things that are not useful.

The ritalin generation implies that all the members are heavily medicated, which may or may not be true. But the real question, like usual, is "who gives a good goddamn". I know from personal experience that a medication is a medication, prescribed or otherwise, in pill form or not. In which case I doubt the current young adults are much different in this respect to previous generations. Only difference is that they are guilt-free and bathe regularly.

Trophy kids is a reference to the not-ever-very-common practice of awarding every child in a competition a trophy just for competing. This criticism of all-inclusiveness and unconditional self-esteem building hasn't been edgy or relevant since southpark was funny and people bought stock in internet companies. Recently the phrase has been validated by generation Y's supposed attitude in the workplace- that they deserve more money, benefits and working conditions at all times. The "get you some" generation would be more apt to describe that. I see nothing wrong. The alternative is "Never get trophies because of humility, fear, and mindless work ethic kids".

Generation why is inaccurate. Again it's older people who haven't bothered to do much research, looking at the 13 year old pot-head in their house and broadstroking the entire generation. Whereas generation X did demonstrably like to slack off, when observed; generation "why" is actually generation "why not", with high levels of optimism and a tendency to multitask and challenge themselves.

Millennials has a clueless ring to it. Referring to yourself as a "millennial" sort of makes you sound like another race in a bad science fiction book, but also implies that young people are constantly walking around thinking they're hot shit because they get to live a majority of their years Starting with a 2 instead of a 1.

It's "Generation Y" to you, and it always was. We're all growing up now, there's plenty of us, and evidence suggests that we're kicking more ass than any generation has in a while. Really, read up.

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