fuck school

Public Grade school is a compulsory institution that is run with involuntarily seized funds.

It’s methods are never questioned, and it’s employees are unfairly rewarded.

Teachers get paid proportionally far more than other professions, for doing a physically safe job 35 hours a week 9 months of the year.

Young people are damaged by waking up early when their biological clocks are not anywhere near that schedule.

Left to their own devices, children will take it upon themselves to learn.

School food is too low in nutritional value, and has been shown time and time again to contain toxic materials or laxatives.

Results on tests do not predict success, or something even more important: happiness.

There is no reason to make a child do repetitive busy work(classwork, homework) if they can demonstrate aptitude for a given subject.

The grading system encourages competition in fields where it is unnecessary or harmful.

If 2 people can both read when they are 25, it doesn’t matter if they learned when they were 4 or 12.

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