Piuctured Above: Medicine/Goofballs
I drink alcohol regularly, but I seem to be afflicted with a cold, or might be suffering through allergies. In any case, I considered it would be best to lay off the hooch, and what else is available for a psychonaut/manic-depressive/poor white shizoid such as myself?
Cannabis? don't much care for it.
Nicotine? A bit mild for the amount of "strange" i want to feel.
Caffeine... it's like a has-been actor desperately trying to make a comeback; there's something pathetic about the energy drink market.
mushrooms/amphetamines- can't get any right now.
And then it occurred to me, some of the wierdest people I've known have regularly abused the over-the-counter disasosiative "dextromethorphan hydrobromide", more often known as DXM; and "robo-tripped", for cheap thrills I assume.
I went to the closest place I could think of, because I was amped up to do it. That happened to me "compare foods", chain grocery store that, at least right here, caters to the hispanic community. I was a little dissapointed when the only syrup(I like drinking, so I opted for syrup instead of pills) that contained DXM without other drugs was intended for children. So It has about half the drug content and twice the sugar/thickeners/shoelaces content. But I thought "It'll have to do".
When I calculated the dosage, the bottle only contained 177mg DXM, which robo-trippers don't call a "trip" at all. At this level, All I had to look forward to is a "mild stoning effect". The night was already set in motion, so I took it like alcohol shots chased with water. It wasn't hard for me to drink, which reinforces my theory that my stomach works similar to a cement mixer.
It took a long time to take effect. I even just gave up on the idea and started reading a bunch of shit, not paying attention. The first effect was feeling like I had used cannabis, and my least favorite effect- being unable to read without re-reading a sentence 3 times. Also, I was listening to music hoping it would sound different; and not only did it sound the same as when I was sober, I actually grew quite opposed to hearing any music. Then I made the fateful decision to do some laundy.
When I stood up and walked, everything took a really long time. I was uncoordinated, like I was drunk, but I could fix it, as long as I concentrated on moving. My head felt very light and my vision razor sharp. I can only compare the effects to previously used drugs; it felt like mild cannabis, mild alcohol and mild adderal use all at once. But my brain was moving well ahead of my body, which made me a big giddy. It's like the first symptom of dissasociation, so I was excited at the novelty, thought the effect wasn't very strong.
Going to the laundry room, which is outdoors like a shed, it occured to me just how slow and deliberately I was moving, esspecially compared the my thoughts racing. I kept doing things in the wrong order- I had 2 loads of laundry, one had been washed and needed to be dried, but I instead poured the soap in the cup first and almost poured it into the washed load. I had to concentrate very hard to do everything right. This continued inside, when I went to get water without a glass.
Then I devised a sort of "litmus test" to decide how fucked up I might be. Since I was moving slow, I "ran" from one point in my living room to another. My gait was so hilarious that I laughed out loud. Not only was it almost slower than walking, but it was exxagerated, like a cartoon of someone running, fists balled up and pumping. I kept doing this test and noticed For a distance I thought 2 steps, I took 3. This happened each and everytime. I kept doing it because it was funny to me.
Getting up to take a whiz, which I've had to do often, even my urination is slow. There's a physiological reason for that, but also I'm experiencing time passing by really slowly, similar to mushrooms.
So that's where I am now. This is written under the influence, not after the fact. This is a fairly low dose, but I feel very, very wierd. And that's kind of nice for a short period. I'm glad I didn't take more, because my final conclusion is that dissassociatives are crazy-ass drugs. A dissassociative "trip" sounds like a horrible idea. I feel much less surprised now that people freak out on high doses of PCP like they do.
But if you want to feel wierd in a unique way, I reccomend a low dose of DXM. Ketamine is apparently physically safer, but I'd rather abuse over-the-counter-medication than have people associate me with raving.
P.S. people famously make spelling errors on DXM, so they are left intact in this piece.
P.P.S. I still have a cough